Aussie Dog WalkersDog Transport van

Our Transport

At Aussie Dog Walkers we believe that your pet deserves the absolute best of care. As dog owners ourselvesĀ  we understand that you want the very best. When it comes to transporting your dog we use the very best transport available.

Our vans are specially selected and equipped to ensure that we get your dog to the walking ground and back in comfort and security.

Our vans are instantly recognisable with our distinctive funky branding, your dog will know the moment it sees us pull up outside that it’s ‘walk time!’

Inside the vans we have a soft ‘vet bed’ blanket for maximum comfort and each one has a water dispenser fixed inside so even on the hottest of Australian days your dog will be comfortable and watered.

All our vans carry a small fridge/freezer which allows us to provide cold water and in summer time ice licks for the dogs. All our vans have air conditioning in the rear as well to keep everyone cool and relaxed.

Every night, and in-between walks if needed, our vans are washed down inside and out, disinfected and replenished ready for the next day. You know when you choose Aussie Dog Walkers that you are choosing the best, because that’s what your pet deserves.